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About MecMap

Allmendingenstrasse 47A
CH-3608 Thun
+41 79 667 15 59

From our personal experience we know that purchasing machined components is a special and demanding exercise. On the other side is it often difficult for highly specialized part manufacturers to find new customers. We offer a simple platform, available to the mechanical component production industry, to facilitate the identification of professional partners.

All participants shall benefit from our platform:

  • Purchasers have the chance through public auctions to find partners that offer the best combination of price and quality for the required parts.
  • The suppliers can concentrate on parts that are as close as possible to their specialism, considering their knowledge and machinery, allowing them to produce with reasonable margins.
  • We in MecMap create enough margin through the sales of credit points to make sure that we can continuously improve our services.

We do not aim to build a battle field, but an environment that helps to optimise resource usage through increased efficiency overall.

Our service is used globally for mechanical component ordering. All requested parts in auction find an optimal supplier. All other purchasing and supplier search methods are significantly more expensive than our service.

KISS - Keep it simple, stupid!

We strive to make the purchasing activity and the search for interesting parts to produce as simple as possible, to make sure our users can work with maximum efficiency, supported by our platform. The MecMap organisation is lean with simple structures and organisations.

Our customers are not distracted with advertising and web-snack-snack.

  • There are no subscriptions, no membership, no fixed costs.
  • We never (!) send an invoice to our customers (how does it work?).
  • We won't make changes to the platform if it isn't beneficial for a clear majority (KISS!).
  • We won't send advertising mails, no newsletter, no unneeded "info" mails.
  • We will improve our service continuously with making the interface easier and making you more efficient.
Rudolf Hänni
+41 79 667 15 59
Peter Roosch
+41 79 774 16 53