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How to advertise your part - step by step

Herebelow you will find a detailed step-by-step description of how you can advertise your parts on the reverse auction platform of MecMap.

Once you've understood the procedure you will be able to define your own best practice.


  • The Purchaser is the one that advertises a part that he needs manufactured and subsequently issues a purchase order.
  • The Supplier is the one that issues a quotation, receives a purchase order, manufactures and ships the parts.



Additional information

1 Create a folder on your desktop called „MecMap parts“

Create first of all one or more images of the part that you would like to advertise.

The images will be visible eye-catchers that can raise the interest for your add.

2 Open the drawing of the part in your CAD system

Use windows Snipping Tool to capture images from your screen


Zoom in or out to make sure that the image you are capturing has a resolution of approximately 1000 x 1000 pixels


Create up to 5 images that clearly show the part in an understandable way. Save the pictures with a logical name (for example [Part Number_Part Name_1--5].jpg in the folder „MecMap parts“

You can save the images as .jpg, .png or .gif


Save all files that are needed to understand and produce the part in the folder „MecMap parts“

A clear add will avoid questions from the suppliers. 

The more data you supply (dxf, dwg, CAD models) the more easy and efficient the process becomes for the supplier.


Pack all files related to the part except for the images in one .zip file. Give it a logical name (for example [Part Number_Part Name].zip


You can now just keep the images and the .zip file. Delete the rest


Repeat the steps 2-8 in case you would like to advertise other parts

10 Go to  
11 Login with your mail and password  
12 Select the tab „Advertise Part“  

Fill out the required data concerning the part to advertise. The fields marked with a * are all mandatory!
We do not describe all fields here as they are self explaining

If you have similar parts to advertise you may decide to use a template. All fields with part information that were stored in the template will be automatically filled out.


Under "Pre-View" you can upload the images that you created under point 5. Please click "Select images", navigate to the folder "MecMap Parts". Double click on the image files you would like to upload.

The probability of receiving an offer increases when a manufacturer sees at first glance whether he likes the part or not.

Select all images at once or repeat the single image upload until all images related to the part have been uploaded.

You can individualy select and delete each image if needed.

Under "Main machining process" select the most significant machining process. Under "Secundary machining process" you may select 2 additional processes in order of importance. 

This part is important to identify the most suitable supplier. His main strength should be the main machining process.

Under "Data Files" you shall upload the .zip file. Klick "browse" and navigate to the folder "MecMap Parts". Double click on the .zip file you would like to upload.


Back on the "Part Request" screen click "Upload Now".


Under "Order size" fill out the number of parts you effectively want to receive in the (first) delivery.


Through "Order type" you can indicate that follow up orders are possible.

  • Single“: no follow up orders
  • Prototype“: possibly there will be follow up orders for the same or similar parts. You are asked to indicate an estimation of the production volume for the series (if possible).
  • Pre Series“: the purchaser would like to test the supplier, bigger volume orders may follow. You are asked to indicate an estimation of the production volume for the series (if possible).
  • Partial delivery“: the request is for a limited volume that is part of a bigger series / follow up orders.You are asked to indicate an estimation of the production volume for the series (if possible).

Under "Price" indicate your suggestion for the complete delivery including transportation (estimate).

The price is indicative (order of magnitude) and does not limit the biddings.

If not specified otherwise the supplier shall calculate the transportation (DAP) in the quoted price.


The field "description" does allow you to add comments, additional information, specific agreements (like NDA) as plain text.

Our recommendation; Keep it short and simple!


In the field "delivery radius max..." you can limit the distance (expressed in kms) between you en the suppliers.

Through this limitation you can express the preference for and strengthen local suppliers. Also more ecological short distance supply can be realised.


Select the "Group of auction";
"public": no further actions needed.
"public with a message to the favorite manufacturers": a window opens that allows you to select the suppliers to involve picked from your "favourite manufacturers" list.
"private auction": select the suppliers that you would like to quote.

  • "public": the auction will be visible to all MecMap visitors and users (including the .zip file).
  • "public with a message to the favorite manufacturer": the auction is visible to all (like "public"), but the selected suppliers will receive an e-mail with a link to the part inviting them to quote.
  • "private auction“: the auction is not visible to anybody except for the selected suppliers that will receive the exclusive link to the part.

Select the country for the delivery and the postal code.

This information will be useful for the supplier to calculate the transportation cost that shall be part of the quotation.


If you would like to register similar parts, you may save the auction as a "template".

See also under 13.

27 Now you can "submit auction and preview".

With this action the data will be validated. Mandatory fields must have a content and the selected dates must have a logical sequence.

28 Check all inputs for correctness.
If corrections are necessary, the input mask can be reactivated with the link "make changes".

The process then jumps back to point 14, of course with the previously entered values.

29 When the part is correctly described, it is activated with the button "Activate article".


30 Amendment: the part can be modified until the first offer is submitted. After that, it can only be assigned before the specified date. See description under " Placing an order ".