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How MecMap works
An unregistered visitor can do almost everything on our platform except of:
- place an auction (and manage it later)
- place an offer (and manage it later)
The registration helps to check the potential status of a possible orderer / contractor for wasting as few time as possible for "joke" users.
All requested data is needed for registration: the contact person in the company (the administrator), the e-mail address for
- first confirmation of the customer contact
- contact address for information related to the auction, e.g. confirmation of payment, request for contract award process or rating, account information etc.
as well as an address which is used for payment confirmations (right in location of company) and the address for the delivery of the goods (so the supplier knows where to deliver and the orderer where the goods come from)
Your data won't be sold or dealt. And we promise that you won't receive unneeded info mails, newsletters or the like.
MecMap works with a points system. For placing a bid or an order we will decrease the point account of the orderer. Each joining company receives 100 points for free when registrating. That's sufficient for placing 100 parts on MecMap's market place.
Special and unique is the credit package that you can use ONLY with the first point purchase. If you want to buy points later, one point will always have the equivalent of one Euro. ONLY with the first point purchase 3 points can be bought per Euro.As mentioned: this opportunity will never be offered again! Only who dares, wins!
The tender process is intuitive and doesn't require particular information:
- The orderer places a part on the platform with all needed information.
- Possible suppliers (contractors) find the parts based on defined search filters (suiting to there machines / infrastructure).
- If the requirements suit the supplier, he issues a quotation including his best possible price and delivery date.
- The orderer receives the detailed information of the suppliers and chooses one (it doesn't have to be the cheapest).
- The orderer places his order at his chosen supplier.
- The supplier produces and delivers the parts in accordance with the agreed delivery date.
- The supplier delivers the parts to the orderer at his own expense (Incoterms DAP, if not explicitly agreed otherwise) to the orderer.
- Orderer and supplier rate each other.
MecMap will - if needed - send out a reminder mail at defined dates and demand for the agreed actions.
Special cases during the tender process:
- The orderer wants to award an ongoing tender ahead of time: As soon as a first offer has been submitted, this is possible at any time.
- The orderer wants to cancel an ongoing tender: This is easily possbible if no offers have been submitted yet. If offers have already been made, the tender must be continued as is. In this case, the ordered may decide to waive the order.
- The orderer doesn't place an order: MecMap gives him a "neutral" rate including the information that the order wasn't placed.
- The supplier would like to change his quotation: During the ongoing tender, the he can modify the quotation anytime.
We never(!) send invoices to our customers!
Each new customer (the company) receives an account with a balance of 100 Points. The customer can use them however he wants. For placing a bid on the platform the balance must have at least one Point. This means in extremis that a customer can place 100 bids and give orders without paying anything. At each order the customer's account will be reduced by an amount which is depending on the order volume. The account will run into the minus area. We won't send an invoice because of this! But if the customer would like to place a new order he has to balance the account on minimum +1 Point.
A customer's account gets deleted in our data base if there is no movement for three years on the account. The customer would lose a lot more money because of conventional, too expensive part purchasing than the amount he needs to balance his account.
We can live with that fact ;-)